Hushpuppy's Creativity Shop

Daily Paintworks

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sketching and Painting
at Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

Building Up A Whole New Team of Urban Sketchers and Artists 
No Experience Necessary!

Learn Sketching Techniques That Lead to Drawing and Painting Better!

Learning Sketching Techniques That Lead to Urban Sketching!

Learn Painting Techniques That Lead to a Lifetime of Creative Fun!


March 11, 2017
March 18, 2017
March 25, 2017
April 1, 2017

Morning Workshop - 9:30 - 11:30
Afternoon Workshop - 1:00 - 3:00
Evening Workshop - 4:30 - 6:30

All Workshops Are $25

Call Today to Register for a Workshop That Fits Your Schedule

Art Journaling is an Amazing Way to Record the Things You Think You Will Never Forget! 

Art Journaling 
includes sketching wherever you go, 
wherever you find something that inspires, 
on the bus, on the train, 
on the corner, at the parade, 
at the zoo, 
at the lake, etc.

COME to A Workshop at Hushpuppy Moon, LLC
to see how ANYONE can learn 
to sketch and end up with 
BEAUTIFUL sketchbooks of memories
 to look back on.
Sketchbooks with pencil, pen, watercolor, colored pencil, etc.

Make it a part of your JOURNEY!

Hushpuppy Moon, LLC
3848 Rio Grande NW, Ste. A
Albuquerque, NM 87107

REGISTER for Your Sketching Adventure!

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