Hushpuppy's Creativity Shop

Daily Paintworks

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Art and Wellness Evening Get-Together Event Announcement

Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

   Click  THIS FLOWER For Link to Details

An Art and Wellness 1-1/2 Hour
Online Creativity Session - $10.00
For Anyone Who Just Wants to Have Art Fun!

Register at:  


questions ?-
Have a Creative Day!
Kathy McClendon
Hushpuppy Moon, LLC
Nurturing Creativity, Wellness, and Identity Through Art


Sunday, July 12, 2020

My Place in the BioPark Zone

Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

This duck is from the Albuquerque, 
NM BioPark

An Art and Wellness Online Event
Coming Soon 


George Bernard Shaw stated, "We don't stop playing because we grow old; 
we grow old because we stop playing." 
I believe in nurturing creativity, wellness, and identity through art. If ever we needed 
wellness, it is during this global pandemic and world crisis. And we will need it as we 
transition out of the crisis as well. I hope you will join me on this journey. 
It is my perspective and belief that we are born creative, and somewhere we lose the 
belief, the will,  and the courage to enjoy our creative spirit. This happens
 for many reasons, but the great thing is, we can restart, reinvigorate, reignite, 
reimagine, and reclaim our innate creativity. Creativity starts with curiosity. So let 
your curiosity about how something is done be a catalyst for stirring creativity. You might find your creative outlet in cooking, designing motorcycles, writing, dancing, 
painting, speaking, leading a team, designing architecture, teaching, singing, 
delving into digital design, and many more powerful outlets.  I love art in all forms.


As a part of my belief in the wellness power of art, 
I am also a Wellness Advocate for
doTerra, an Essential Oils premier company.

I have been using doTerra oils for two years, but have now decided to share the amazing 
oils from doTerra with you.  I have been using "essential oils" for about six years, but after 
using the doTerra oils for two years, I would not buy any other kind because I now can say 
that I consider the doTerra brand oils to be the best on the market and in my mind the only "essential oils" (and I have bought a lot of oils in those first four years before being 
introduced to doTerra).  I don't say this because I now want to share them with you, but 
because I have had the privilege of seeing many evidences of the efficacy of doTerra essential 
oils over the last two years and seeing the astonishing difference between these doTerra 
oils and the ones on which I had previously spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars .  Some 
of these evidences are very personal and some are a result of having had the privilege to sit 
and hear the leaders of doTerra share the inner workings, the mission and vision, the purpose, 
the outreach, the humanitarian "give back" to communities and people around the world.  
When I sat and heard their passion for making a difference in the health of anyone who 
avails themselves of the therapeutic qualities of these oils, I had to hear and learn more.  I
 found out about the broader purpose the company has; I learned about the purity of the oils 
and why they can make that claim; I heard from some of the people who actually grow and harvest these natural sources of oils; I learned about the intriguing collaboration with the
 medical community and the power of natural healing relative to this collaboration; and all 
of this and more gave me a greater appreciation of the oils and products, but more than that 
huge belief in the company and their mission.  I have to admit, I am a person that goes 
into something only after proving to myself it is a credible and important venture into which 
I can tiptoe until I am sure it is something to which I want my name attached.  So I am 
looking forward to sharing this journey with you.  
Kathy McClendon in New Mexico

Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

Have a Creative Day!

My Purpose
My Purpose Is To Use My Creative Curiosity And Energy To Help Others 
Find, Pursue, And Celebrate Themselves And Their Passions,
Through The Stories Of Others, Through Creative Experiences
That Unlock Their Own Creative Spirit,
And To Nurture Creativity, Wellness, And Identity Through Art.

Kathy McClendon
Hushpuppy Moon, LLC
Nurturing Creativity, Wellness, and Identity Through Art


Friday, July 3, 2020

Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

First Time on You Tube tutorial! 
It is a silent tutorial with Ticker Tape Tutorial 
at the bottom of video.

For Auction on Daily Paintworks (See Widget)


George Bernard Shaw stated, "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." I have learned so much from other artists, and many of them have been sharing their techniques on You Tube. I decided to share some of my own journey in art. I believe in nurturing creativity, wellness, and identity through art. If ever we needed wellness, it is during this global pandemic and world crisis. And we will need it as we transition 
out of the crisis as well. I hope you will join me on this journey. 
It is my perspective and belief that we are born creative, and somewhere we lose the belief, the will,  and the courage to enjoy our creative spirit. This happens
 for many reasons, but the great thing is, we can restart, reinvigorate, reignite, reimagine, and 
reclaim our innate creativity. Creativity starts with curiosity. So let your curiosity about how something is done be a catalyst for stirring creativity. You might 
find your creative outlet in cooking, designing motorcycles, writing, dancing, painting, speaking,
 leading a team, designing architecture, teaching, singing, delving into digital design, and many more powerful outlets.  I love art in all forms.
 This little tutorial is a "realistic abstract" rose in watercolor. It fits my personality. I can be realistic or abstract, but I decided to combine them to match my 
eclectic artistic passion.  Have fun with this double-time 
demo of watercolor on cotton paper.  

Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

Have a Creative Day!

My Purpose

My Purpose Is To Use My Creative Curiosity And Energy To Help Others 
Find, Pursue, And Celebrate Themselves And Their Passions,
Through The Stories Of Others, Through Creative Experiences
That Unlock Their Own Creative Spirit,
And To Nurture Creativity, Wellness, And Identity Through Art.

Kathy McClendon
Hushpuppy Moon, LLC
Nurturing Creativity, Wellness, and Identity Through Art

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

(at the top of the page)
Once you get to it, you can look at paintings and 
there is a STUDIO SHOP page where you can find 
other art items to buy!

CHECK OUT my Studio Store on Daily Paintworks for the Pocket-Sized
Refillable Journals with Hand-Painted Texturized Covers.

I will be adding more of them over the next couple of days, so wait a few 
days before you buy so you can see all the present choices!!

Have a Creative Day!

My Purpose

My Purpose Is To Use My Creative Curiosity And Energy To Help Others 
Find, Pursue, And Celebrate Themselves And Their Passions,
Through The Stories Of Others, Through Creative Experiences
That Unlock Their Own Creative Spirit,
And To Nurture Creativity, Wellness, And Identity Through Art.

Kathy McClendon
Hushpuppy Moon, LLC
Nurturing Creativity, Wellness, and Identity Through Art



Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

Finishing up the Plein Air 

I have added some finishing touches to the "Mountain Clouds," and of course as 
you sit back and LOOK at a piece of art you are working on, 
 you are able to find the areas that need a little attention.
It has been fun to work on as oil is a very interesting medium to use, but because 
it started as an outdoor-in-the-elements painting I am able to continue to enjoy
that morning simply because every time I touch the painting I instantly think
about that day in the mountains.  It is the same phenomenon that you
experience with sketching your journey - sketching on your way (on your trip, 
on your hike, on your urban or country tour, etc.).  You never forget the moment
in which you sketched something on your journey.  It is amazing!  
Please try it!
You will be glad you did

CHECK OUT my Studio Store on Daily Paintworks for the Pocket-Sized
Refillable Journals with Hand-Painted Texturized Covers.

I will be adding more of them over the next couple of days, so wait a few 
days before you buy so you can see all the present choices!!

Have a Creative Day!

My Purpose

My Purpose Is To Use My Creative Curiosity And Energy To Help Others 
Find, Pursue, And Celebrate Themselves And Their Passions,
Through The Stories Of Others, Through Creative Experiences
That Unlock Their Own Creative Spirit,
And To Nurture Creativity, Wellness, And Identity Through Art.

questions ?-
Have a Creative Day!
Kathy McClendon
Hushpuppy Moon, LLC
Nurturing Creativity, Wellness, and Identity Through Art

Registration for Classes and Events through Gallery Website: 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

Plein Air Day

It rained last night which made it an amazing morning to go to the mountains 
to Plein Air paint.  You have to be packed as lightly as possible and as succinctly 
as possible to enjoy Plein Air painting.  If you knew me, you would say to me, 
"You might as well forget it!  You will not be able to roll both 
suitcases up the side of the mountain!"  Well, I didn't really climb a mountain, 
but I did have to focus on the needed and only the needed things in order 
to succeed at my adventure.   The painting is drying and waiting for some 
details.  It was a most amazing time in the fresh air delving into paint 
and scenery!  I did take coffee and a few apples in case I got carried 
away with my duration at the special spot.
I may try to make it a weekly outing, especially while we are physically distancing
due to the global pandemic.  It is a great way to "travel" without going anywhere. 
I guess I can call it a "paint-cation" instead of a vacation!

Have a Creative Day!

My Purpose

My Purpose Is To Use My Creative Curiosity And Energy To Help Others 
Find, Pursue, And Celebrate Themselves And Their Passions,
Through The Stories Of Others, Through Creative Experiences
That Unlock Their Own Creative Spirit,
And To Nurture Creativity, Wellness, And Identity Through Art.

Kathy McClendon
Hushpuppy Moon, LLC
Nurturing Creativity, Wellness, and Identity Through Art

Sunday, May 31, 2020


These are certainly strange and often unsettling days. I hope that as you maneuver your way down your path that you are able to find peace in the things that bring you joy and fulfillment.  For some, that might be a quiet meal on a patio; for others a walk in the wilderness or park; and for some a good book or conversation. We are all so different in how our minds work, how our emotions affect us, and the lens through which we view the world and our neighbors around us.  May your day and tomorrow be moments of discovery.

Kathy McClendon
Hushpuppy Moon, LLC
Nurturing Creativity, Wellness, and Identity Through Art

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Decided to revive my beautiful blog spot now that I have a different domain. 

I will add to this soon. 

Stay well.
Stay calm.
Stay creative.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

INTRODUCTION 2019 to Return of Hushpuppy Moon, LLC

After a Detour on the Journey, 
am Back on the Art Trail!

Check out the Re-Introduction of
 Hushpuppy Moon, LLC in Albuquerque, NM.

The studio/office is getting set up and the things you will read about below are
 germinating and growing!

Can't wait to have a class, a conversation group, 
and to get the gallery showings ready for 2020!

Nurturing Creativity, Wellness, and Identity Through Art

·      Learn to Sketch Your Journey with Quick Sketch – (Dates to be Determined – Call to Join a Small Class)

·      Experience Adding Color to Paper and Other Surfaces through a variety of art sessions. (Dates to be Determined – Call to Join a Small Class)

·      Unlocking the Creative Spirit through eclectic art events and experiences. (Watch for Events)

·      Path to Wellness Through Art - Art in the residential treatment setting (Upon Request – Call to Discuss This Possibility for Your Residential Treatment Center)

·      Future Events:
o   Pursue Your Passion: Gallery Showing of Women Who Pursued Their Passion or Embraced Their Destiny  (Watch for Events)
o   Remember Me:  Gallery Showing Commemorating Women and Girls Who Lost Their Lives as a result of Violence Against Women (Call if You Have a Person That You Would Like to Consider Having Commemorated in This Way)
o   You’re a Star: Event for Young Ladies to Celebrate Their Identity, Value, and Power  (Advertised Nearer Event)

o   Sunset at San Rafael:  Conversations On the Deck - Varying Topics for Critical Conversation to Stimulate the Mind (Dates to be Determined – Call to Join a Small Conversation Group)

My Purpose
My Purpose Is To Use My Creative Curiosity And Energy To Help Others Find, Pursue, And Celebrate Themselves And Their Passion
Through The Stories Of Others and Through Creative Experiences
That Unlock Their Own Creative Spirit,
And To Nurture Creativity, Wellness, And Identity Through Art.